Hybrid Schools: The Union Of Technology And Education

More than a year after the start of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, the growth in technological adoption that makes it possible to carry out work is evident, without the need to physically attend a space.
Decision makers are aware of the effectiveness of remote work and are willing to make the necessary investments for the adoption of technological solutions such as the cloud, connectivity, cybersecurity and collaboration. In this sense, education has not been left behind.
2020 was the starting point to propose a solid alternative and carry out distance education; to continue with the teaching despite the circumstances and depending on technological means which are the spearhead to achieve it.
The concept “Hybrid Schools” is present; Although it is not a new concept, it is the best to describe the new model that the education sector has implemented as a result of the confinement by COVID-19. It is a teaching model where distance and face-to-face education are combined, where the use of technological tools are the starting point to achieve it, as well as the adoption of a new culture in the teaching staff and students.
Hybrid Schools have shown us that they are an effective way to guarantee the continuity of education, where online classes are already part of a new way of teaching and individual learning of the benefited people.
On the other hand, we must mention that its adoption has not been easy. Educational institutions have faced challenges such as: the budget for the adoption of technological models and tools that make online classes possible, as well as the student body when acquiring devices and connectivity according to their needs and economic possibilities
One of the most relevant positive impacts was the creation and adoption of equipment and dedicated technological platforms to benefit online teaching. These technological tools are enabled according to the needs of both the teaching staff and the students, which makes it easier to offer new experiences focused on a win-win relationship.
As economic activities are reactivated, schools and universities in Mexico face the great challenge of bringing their students together again and they will achieve it through hybrid schemes where they take advantage of available technology and mitigate the impact of bringing all their staff together at the same time. Betting on infrastructure that enables virtual classrooms is a very smart investment and there are companies with the answer for every need, from sophisticated virtual classrooms to backup wireless internet packages for teachers who teach from home.
We then find ourselves with a model that requires uninterrupted and high-performance connectivity services in order to be carried out. The use of the Internet makes it possible to carry out classes online, which is why service providers had to offer the ideal connectivity and maintain their competitiveness in the face of this new challenge.
On the other hand, the adoption of hybrid schools requires a change in habits and culture in general. It is not only about the implementation of technological tools, but also that students and teaching staff use them optimally, ensuring their maximum use in order to achieve uninterrupted and optimal education despite the physical distance.
As we can see, the digitization of education requires a process of change, both innovation and culture in end users. Hybrid schools are here to stay and ensure the continuity of education under any circumstance; they need specific technology related to connectivity, mobility, collaboration, cloud and even cybersecurity.
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