Sales Pitch: What It Is And How To Create Your Team’s Pitch
Sales Pitch
Each person who is part of a team of sales must know very well the products that you offer to a client, the payment method, the guarantees, and all the information that can answer any questions that may arise. For this to be possible and for the team to follow the same communication style, it is necessary to have a sales argument.
We explain everything you need to know about this concept and how it can be applied in a company.
What Is A Sales Pitch?
The sales pitch is a tool in the form of a document that helps sellers prepare the speech before a client to convince you that this product or service is the best option on the market to meet specific needs. This means that this document must contain a detailed description of the product or service offered by the company, its characteristics, the form of payment, the guarantees and all the information that can answer any questions that a customer may have.
Each product or service offered by a company must have its sales argument since although there are some points in common, each of them will have unique characteristics that the seller must know. In addition, a sales argument is different for B2B and B2C, which means that the type of buyer to which a product or service is directed is also decisive in preparing this document. It is a tool that revolves around customers, so their needs and what they expect from the product offered by the company must be known to act accordingly.
Despite the importance of a sales argument, for sales to take place, other factors play a crucial role, such as the seller’s experience, their way of being and communicating, the brand image, the characteristics of the product itself. By this, we mean that a sales argument, although helpful, does not guarantee success in sales.
Why Is It Necessary To Have A Sales Pitch?
Having a script, in addition to the route that a salesperson must follow when facing a client, has other benefits for a company:
Avoid Improvisation
The seller has all the information and can answer any questions the client may have, which gives greater security and confidence to face the interview. It also allows the seller to prepare a speech with much more compelling arguments and adapt much more quickly to the type of profile of each buyer persona.
Unify The Commercial Discourse
Although each salesperson has characteristics that make them unique, such as their experience or the way they express themselves, with the sales argument, it is possible to unify the commercial discourse so that the entire team can talk about the same strengths of the product or service offered. When the whole team has the same arguments, it is easier for the public to trust. Also, if there is a seller change, the customer will not notice too much difference, which gives even more confidence in the product and in the brand itself.
Helps To Adapt The Strategy
When all the characteristics and functions of a product are known, the seller can adapt the speech and the strategy in a much simpler way based on the needs and expectations of the client. This means presenting the product in a much more attractive way.
It Can Be Used As An Improvement Tool.
A sales argument, together with the results obtained concerning the objectives defined, can be used to implement improvements within future sales processes.
Differentiate Yourself From The Competition
Knowing the characteristics of a product and its strong points can differentiate itself from the competition and transmit, in a much more effective way, that differential value.
Help New Sellers
Anyone who joins the team will find it very helpful to have a document that allows them to know the product or service in detail that is being marketed and learn more about the brand. In addition, the rest of the team does not have to explain the same thing every time there is a new seller.
It Can Be Changed At Any Time.
This tool can be modified, extended, or improved at any time from a seller’s experience so that the rest of the team can incorporate it into their speech. In this way, improvements can be applied to redirect and achieve the defined objectives even in the middle of a campaign.
How To Create A Sales Argument?
First, it is essential to highlight that all products should have a sales argument. Although some share certain similarities, the differences are critical for the consumer to buy that novelty. This means that it is likely that part of a storyline can be used for several products, but what makes it unique should always be highlighted.
To make a sales argument, follow these steps:
1. Develop a complete description of the product or service to be marketed: first of all, the product or service that is going to be offered to the public must be well known, so all its characteristics, its functionalities, its benefits, its price must be described. The client will have many questions regarding that product or service, so it is vital that, in this first part, a complete description of it be obtained to give a clear answer to any of those doubts.
2. Give value to the product, and the company: in a tool or document such as the sales argument, the company’s philosophy and all those strategic elements should not be lost sight of. In addition, to gain the client’s trust, information can be given about the history of the brand, mentioning referential clients if possible or providing all the information that may be relevant to the consumer about the company and its product. Emphasis should also be placed on why that product should be chosen and not another, what problems or needs it solves, and the difference between it and other options on the market.
3. Consumer Information: Many companies make the mistake of not telling their salespeople who they are. Target audiences imply a significant waste of time and effort trying to sell a product to a person who is not interested in it. To be much more effective in sales, locating the people for whom that product has been designed is crucial, so their profile must be evident. This implies segmenting the market and preparing customer files, whenever possible, with the needed information.
4. Predict customer behaviour: Before starting the interviews, you should try to answer the questions that you think the client will ask about that product or service. In other words, the most effective way of responding to doubts must be sought so that the consumer is clear and trusts the product and the brand behind it.
All points, especially the fourth, can be modified based on the experience gained during the campaign to improve and increase sales. As we have mentioned, the sales argument is a tool that can be changed, expanded and enhanced at any time.
How The Sales Team Should Apply A Sales Pitch
It is useless to have a good sales argument if the sellers do not apply it correctly. Once this document has been prepared and contains all the sales team’s information, it is essential to follow a structure. It is common to use the AIDA method (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action). The consumer must go through each of these phases, and the seller must be aware that the same arguments cannot be used in all of them. Depending on where the customer is, the seller must use one strategy.
It is also essential that the entire team access the sales pitch. It is a standard tool that should be accessible even to recruits, as all sellers should have the same arguments to defend that product. Unifying the commercial discourse is vital so that the client receives the same information in the case of dealing with several salespeople.
It is clear, then, that having a sales argument is key to the success of a campaign. However, other factors come into play to achieve the sale, such as the seller’s experience or way of expressing himself.
Also Read: What Is Sales? Types And Key Concepts