What Is Sales? Types And Key Concepts

Marketing and sales are two concepts that are inevitably linked. Within a company, the marketing and sales departments collaborate to generate leads and revenue. According to HubSpot, to understand the world of sales a little better, we will briefly explain ten types of sales and five critical concepts in this sector.
Ten Types Of Sales Tactics
1. Sale inbound: The inbound methodology is based on offering the potential customer information adapted to each phase of the sales process. The sales representative acts as an advisor who accompanies and advises the customer.
2. Sale Customer-centric: A sales strategy where the agent focuses on talking to the top decision-makers in a company and finding solutions to their problems.
3. Sales solutions: It is based on the benefits of a solution to the potential client, trying to adapt to their situation.
4. System Sandler: A sales method that prioritizes building trust between the sales agent and potential customer by asking questions that help identify the buyer’s needs.
5. Method SNAP: Sales technique whose acronym in English can be translated as “don’t complicate yourself, be essential, always look for alignment and list priorities.”
6. Method SPIN: This is based on four types of questions that sales agents should ask customers (situation, problem, consequence, and need for a solution), which allow them to identify the customer’s needs and establish a good relationship.
7. NEAT Selling: Lead qualification approach based on their basic needs, economic impact, access to authority, and relevant event.
8. Sale Challenger: Sales tactic based on teaching the potential client, adapting the communication between the lead and the agent, and taking control of the sale.
9. Sale conceptual: A strategy that consists of discovering potential customers’ perceptions about the product and understanding their decision-making process.
10. MEDIC: Sales method focused on asking questions about metrics, economic buyers, decision criteria, decision process, problem identification, and sponsor, all to help the potential client move forward in the sales process.
Five Key Concepts To Understand Sales
1. Lead: Person potentially interested in the company’s products or services and whose contact details we have. It can be classified differently depending on its fit with the ideal client or the moment of the purchase cycle in which it finds itself.
2. Sales Pipeline: A visual representation of the steps of a sales process and the stage in which each lead is.
3. Opportunity or Business: Product or service that a representative wants to sell and its price. Each option consists of several stages; it is advisable to track them through system forms.
4. Sales Representative: Also called sales agent or simply seller, is the person who carries out all activities related to the sale of a product or service within the company.
5. Sales plan: A document that describes the company’s goals, objectives, and sales strategies.
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